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The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers

Product Description

The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers

Jessica Powers
Edited by Regina Siegfried and
Robert Morneau

Reprint of the most extensive anthology of this noted Carmelite poet, which she approved five weeks before her death. Includes an introduction by Bishop Robert Morneau, chronology, and a bibliography.

  • ICS code: ICS-JP
  • Format: paper
  • Pages: 224
  • ISBN: 978-0-935216-68-4

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Jessica Powers (1905-1988), a Discalced Carmelite nun and member of the Carmel of the Mother of God, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, has been hailed as one of America's greatest religious poets. She approved this anthology, the most extensive collection of her poems, only five weeks before her death. This book includes an introduction by Bishop Robert Morneau, over 180 poems, a chronology, a bibliography, and several photos.

"Jessica Powers is an artist, painting in words the movements of the heart, the aspirations of the soul, the homelessness of a pilgrim people, the joys and sufferings of the mystic, the song and dance of those in love, the beauties of creation."

- Bishop Robert Morneau
from the Introduction