New Titles
The Intimate Sharing of Friends: Saint Teresa of Ávila on Prayer
An overview of St. Teresa’s teaching on prayer while emphasizing its relational aspect. For Teresa, the spiritual life consists of the degrees to which we are attentive and receptive to God’s presence within us. Like all relationships, this supernatural friendship profoundly changes us. O’Keefe guides us through Teresa’s various analogies and explanations of the soul’s personal transformation as it journeys from friendship with God to a more supernatural and deeply intimate union with him.
The Prayer of Loving Attention: Saint John of the Cross (Packet of 25 Brochures)
When more active forms of prayer become laborious or difficult, St. John of the Cross teaches that God could be inviting the soul to a prayer of simple, loving attention. This pamphlet provides an easy-to-read guide to St. John of the Cross's perennially relevant teaching on responding to God's invitation to a more silent and simple form of prayer.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Her Last Conversations
Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)
Those who attended St. Thérèse of Lisieux during her last illness were living in the company of one of God's "greatest" saints, one prepared for our times. Fortunately for us they did not simply listen to her conversations, but wrote down what they remembered. This volume brings together their reports of Thérèse's "final words" during her last months, including some of her most famous sayings, such as "I will spend my heaven doing good on earth." The book includes general and biblical index, with 12 photos.
The Living Flame of Love: Study Edition
St. John of the Cross described the stanzas of his poem, The Living Flame of Love, as the “songs of the soul in the intimate communication of the union of love with God.” The verses capture the mystical vistas from the summit of the saint’s spiritual journey, describing the mystery and powerful experience of divine transformation as the soul encounters and unites with the pure love of God. Later, St. John of the Cross wrote a prose commentary to accompany his poem that represents his final word on the journey of the soul’s transformation toward union with God. In these verses and commentary, our saintly guide teaches us as the “Mystical Doctor of the Church,” but also as a gentle pastor.
The Letters of Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes
This volume, first published in 1994, contains the 164 letters of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes (Juanita Fernández Solar). Despite her unusually brief life, Saint Teresa's collected letters have become a source of great spiritual enrichment and inspiration to many. They capture the saint's personality and share her major concerns, namely, her desire for union with God no matter the cost. Also included are a full chronology of her life and a thematic and explanatory introduction to the letters written by the translator.
Pilgrimage of Anastasius: The Autobiography of the First Provincial of the Discalced Carmelites
Jerome Gracián (1545–1614) was the first provincial of the Discalced Carmelite Order and a close collaborator of Saint Teresa of Ávila, the order’s foundress. Pilgrimage of Anastasius is firstly and autobiography, but it also serves as a first-hand chronicle of the beginning of the Discalced Carmelite Order and sheds light on St. Teresa’s vision and charism.
Mary the Perfect Contemplative: Carmelite Insights on the Interior Life of Our Lady
Mary the Perfect Contemplative is a fresh and beautiful portrait of the Mother of God. Author Barbara Hughes, O.C.D.S., looks to Sacred Scripture as the primary and essential reference for her portrait of our Lady. For colorful detail she draws on two thousand years of Sacred Tradition, sourced in the writings of the church fathers, saints, and theologians. Finally, Hughes finds further depth and exquisite details of Mary’s interior life in the mystical writings of the Carmelite saints and Doctors of the Church.