St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Saint Elizabeth of The Trinity: The Complete Works, vol. 1
Shipping week of March 24, 2025
Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez), who died in 1906 at the age of 26 in the Carmel of Dijon, is a mystic for our times, with a profound spirituality rooted not in visions and voices but in attention to the indwelling Trinity and in the call to become a "praise of glory" for God. This first volume of her Complete Works contains her major spiritual writings, including two sets of retreat notes ("Heaven in Faith" and "Last Retreat") and her famous prayer "O My God, Trinity Whom I Adore." A comprehensive introduction to Elizabeth's life and spirituality by the editor, Conrad De Meester, is also included, along with detailed notes and 5 pages of photos.
The Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, vol. 2
Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez) is a mystic of our times, who entered Carmel in 1901 at the age of twenty-one, and died there five years later. Her biblical spirituality, based on the epistles of her "dear Saint Paul" and the mystery of the divine indwelling, has inspired countless Christians.
Always Believe in Love
This small but valuable book, now with ICS Publications, offers an insightful selection of the most significant extracts from Elizabeth’s writings—her diary, letters, and poetry—together with useful introductions and commentary.
He Is My Heaven
The author draws on Elizabeth’s own writings and other sources to give us a short, readable portrait of this fascinating young woman who fell in love with God. Although influenced by St. Therese of Lisieux, Elizabeth’s spirituality is distinctive, highly biblical, simple to understand and to practice. Her perennial theme is the Blessed Trinity’s indwelling within the human person—a reality promised in the Gospel, discovered in the silence of prayer and adoration, and then lived out in love for God and neighbor.
Light - Love - Life
This marvelous book — back in print after an absence of twenty-five years — invites the reader to meet Elizabeth of the Trinity in selections from her own writings and more than seventy photos that span her short but luminous life.