Carmelite & General Spirituality
Saint Teresa of Avila: 100 Themes on Her Life and Work
St. Teresa's person, world, work, and writings explored in a comprehensive presentation in 100 topics or themes, done by Tomás Alvarez, a Teresian scholar. Avila and Its Surroundings, The Social Classes of Her Time, Environment and Cultural Levels, Contemporary Women, Clergy, Religion, Her Family, Home, Father, Mother and Siblings is a sampling of some of the one hundred themes presented in this book.
A Better Wine: Essays Celebrating Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD (Carmelite Studies 10)
Ten members of the Institute of Carmelite Studies contribute to this volume honoring their Carmelite brother and colleague, Fr Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD on his fifty years as a Catholic priest.
Carmelite Spirituality in the Teresian Tradition
This revised edition offers a classic overview of the principal texts, themes, and teachings of Carmel: Elijah and Mary, the Rule of St. Albert, the Carmelite understanding of prayer, and the message of Sts. Teresa, John of the Cross, and Thérèse.
Carmelite Wisdom and Prophetic Hope: Treasures Both New and Old (Carmelite Studies 11)
This newest volume of our popular Carmelite Studies series features twelve original contributions by contemporary scholars and theologians, experts in the Carmelite tradition. Edited by Mary Frohlich, RSCJ, this volume explores the pivotal role of biblical Wisdom in the Carmelite tradition, as well as Carmel’s perennial commitment to the following of Christ and how Carmel speaks prophetically in both time-honored and new ways to the contemporary world. The book’s theme is taken from a Carmelite Spirituality seminar held at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana. In addition to essays by those original Carmelite Forum presenters, it includes new contributions from seven other respected authors and Carmelite scholars from the United States and Europe.
Catechesis and Ritual for the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
North American Provincials of the Carmelite Orders
This handy guide book explains catechetical elements and the Liturgical elements concerning the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Mary the Perfect Contemplative: Carmelite Insights on the Interior Life of Our Lady
Mary the Perfect Contemplative is a fresh and beautiful portrait of the Mother of God. Author Barbara Hughes, O.C.D.S., looks to Sacred Scripture as the primary and essential reference for her portrait of our Lady. For colorful detail she draws on two thousand years of Sacred Tradition, sourced in the writings of the church fathers, saints, and theologians. Finally, Hughes finds further depth and exquisite details of Mary’s interior life in the mystical writings of the Carmelite saints and Doctors of the Church.
The Dark Night: Psychological Experience and Spiritual Reality
This book is sure to engage any reader interested not only in St. John of the Cross’s poetry and prose presentations of the journey to God but in the contemporary psychological underpinnings of the spiritual experience as well.
In this pivotal new book, Father Marc Foley guides the modern reader through the impasse and challenges on the spiritual journey which St. John portrays in the dark night, opening up the Mystical Doctor’s deep understanding of the experience and graced events of the purifying nights of sense and spirit. Offering theological and psychological insights coupled with his experience as a spiritual guide, the author provides an invaluable resource for those committed to the spiritual journey to better understand the challenges and invitations it can offer.
God Is Love
This 18th-century Italian Carmelite has often been called “the Little Flower of Florence.” Like her French counterpart a century later, Teresa Margaret Redi entered the convent as a teenager (17) and died young (22). But her short life, like that of St. Thérèse, was filled with small acts of kindness for her sisters and all those with whom she came in contact, and with a burning love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Gospel Mysticism of Ruth Burrows: Going to God with Empty Hands
British author and Carmelite nun Ruth Burrows has been one of the most popular, prolific and revered spiritual writers of the past half-century. This pivotal book systematically explores Burrows’s thought and writings. In addition to first-person live interviews with Burrows, the author mines a rich collection of unpublished writings and personal correspondence. Acclaimed by reviewers as “the most comprehensive, readable introduction to Ruth Burrows presently available,” this book is also an important contribution to the field of spirituality and mysticism and will become the textbook for Burrows studies and her spirituality. Includes an appendix, index, bibliography and full listing of writings by Ruth Burrows.
The Heirs of St. Teresa of Avila (Carmelite Studies 9)
Christopher Wilson, PhD (Editor)
This volume of Carmelite Studies presents new insights into the lives and writings of individuals who knew Teresa of Ávila in life and who, after her death in 1582, worked to propagate and defend her legacy, including the illustrious nuns Ana de San Bartolomé, Ana de Jesús, María de San José, and Ana de San Agustín, and her close male confidant and collaborator, Jerónimo Gracián de la Madre de Dios. A further focus of the essays is the reception of the Teresian heritage by individuals outside the order, as mediated by these early Discalced Carmelites and by Teresa's published writings.
In Context: Teresa of Ávila, John of the Cross, and Their World
In Context: Teresa of Ávila, John of the Cross, and Their World explores the social, cultural, intellectual, and religious themes that prevailed during the time in which St. Teresa of Ávila and St. John of the Cross lived and breathed. This book is not only a thematic overview but also visits particular situations in the lives of these saints: the events that shaped their writings, their lives, and the Carmelite Reform they initiated. Includes color photos and comprehensive index.
Journey to Carith
This book chronicles a full eight centuries of the Carmelite tradition, from the order’s beginnings as a group of lay hermits on Mount Carmel through St. Teresa of Avila’s Discalced Carmelite Reform in the 16th century, to Carmel’s rich diversity today.
The Marriage of All and Nothing
The author’s intensely personal, experiential style in this book puts flesh and blood on the concept of “the dark night.” Barbara Dent —a New Zealand mother, writer, poustinik, and Carmelite secular order member—goes beyond merely generic expositions of this key concept of Carmelite spirituality to craft her own vivid witness, one that speaks in a contemporary voice.
Sequel to My Only Friend Is Darkness, this new offering of Barbara Dent’s writings brings together articles published elsewhere and forty-one previously unpublished poems.
My Only Friend Is Darkness
Drawing upon Scripture, classic spiritual authors—especially St. John of the Cross—and her own personal experience, acclaimed author Barbara Dent examines the deep purifications we undergo as God cleanses us of sinful inclinations and ultimately transforms us in love. Using original poetry and powerful first-person prose, Dent guides us through the sufferings, temptations, upheavals and workings of grace at the deepest level of our being as we journey through the darkness of faith to new life in God.
The Rosary with St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Patricia Lynn Morrison (Series Editor)
A helpful prayer resource in a convenient pocket size, this booklet offers selections from Scripture and from the writings of the Little Flower for each mystery, to enrich one’s reflection while praying the rosary. Includes a history of the rosary devotion, how to pray the rosary, and the prayers used for this time-honored Marian devotion.
Temptation and Discernment
Brief reflections by noted Chilean priest and author, showing how to avoid activism, messianism, and other common pitfalls in ministry and prayer, based on the discernment principles of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, and Teresa of Avila.
Teresa of Jesus: Woman, Prophet, Mystic
María Rosaura González Casas, STJ
St. Teresa of Ávila was, above all, a woman who searched for an encounter with God, and her search was not in vain. Once she encountered God, she wanted nothing more than to put him at the center of her life and proclaim his greatness. Teresa's objective in writing was to teach her nuns the way of prayer utilizing her own systematized experience.
Sounding Solitude
Why a book about solitude? One answer: God. Those who are God seekers often turn to solitude to listen to God, to be present to God, to be attentive to God’s word, wisdom and Spirit. Embraced purposefully, solitude enables us to cultivate another way of seeing and being, to be more open to discovery of and exploration into those unfathomable riches we call God.
The Way of the Cross with the Carmelite Saints
This book offers one of the most fruitful and popular practices of Christian devotion: the Way of the Cross, or Stations of the Cross, from a Carmelite perspective. The reader has the opportunity to make the Way of the Cross with five inspiring Carmelite saints: John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Thérèse of Lisieux, Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) and Elizabeth of the Trinity.
Welcome to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
This book is a collection of Fr. Aloysius Deeney's conferences presented to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelite (OCDS) members worldwide. His practical and insightful talks are primarily directed to the members of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites and others who are interested in the tradition of Discalced Carmelites.
With Empty Hands
Out of Stock: Reprint coming in Spring 2025.
This is an entirely new edition and translation of Conrad De Meester's brilliant and moving presentation of the life, thought, and spirituality of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. The author has completely revised and amplified his previous book in the light of the new, thoroughly annotated editions of her own works and the many recent works of research and commentary, which have led him to develop and change some of his interpretations of the saint's life and character.
St. Teresa’s The Prayer of Recollection (Packet of 25 Brochures)
In the 16th century, St. Teresa of Avila offered a wise and practical means for growing in prayer. She called it the prayer of recollection.
La Oración de Recogimiento de Santa Teresa de Ávila (paquete con 25 copias)
La clásica enseñanza sobre la oración de Santa Teresa en un folleto conveniente y económico; Ahora esta forma de oración esta disponible por el Instituto de Estudios Carmelitanos.
Lectio Divina and the Practice of Teresian Prayer
Carmelite retreat director Sam Anthony Morello, OCD shows how the tradition of lectio divina can assist us in following the Teresian way of prayer and spirituality.
The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers
Reprint of the most extensive anthology of this noted Carmelite poet, which she approved five weeks before her death. Includes introduction by Bishop Morneau, chronology, bibliography, and 4 photos.
Elijah: Prophet of Carmel
Members of the three monotheistic faiths have always told stories of what the prophet Elijah has done and is still expected to do in sacred history. He is perhaps most appreciated by members of the Carmelite Order, known for its contemplative and pastoral orientation.
The Prayer of Loving Attention: Saint John of the Cross (Packet of 25 Brochures)
When more active forms of prayer become laborious or difficult, St. John of the Cross teaches that God could be inviting the soul to a prayer of simple, loving attention. This pamphlet provides an easy-to-read guide to St. John of the Cross's perennially relevant teaching on responding to God's invitation to a more silent and simple form of prayer.