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Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux

Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)

Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)

Two and a half years before her death in 1897 at the age of 24, as Thérèse Martin began writing down her childhood memories at the request of her blood sisters in the Lisieux Carmel, few could have guessed the eventual outcome. Yet this "story of my soul," first published in 1898 in a highly edited version, quickly became a modern spiritual classic, read by millions and translated into dozens of languages around the world.

The Collected Works of  St. John of the Cross  Includes The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night, The Spiritual Canticle, The Living Flame of Love, Letters, and The Minor Works

The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross (paperback)

John of the Cross

Includes The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night, The Spiritual Canticle, The Living Flame of Love, Letters, and The Minor Works.

The fourth centenary of the death of St. John of the Cross inspired this revised edition of the English translation of his writings. The result is an edition that preserves the true meaning of the great mystic's writings, presents them as clearly as possible, and at the same time gives the reader the doctrinal and historical information that will lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the teachings of the Mystical Doctor.

The Interior Castle: Study Edition

The Interior Castle: Study Edition

Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD

More than a book, The Interior Castle is a powerful image of the mystery of the human person. It is, in a very real sense, Teresa’s soul. Using the image of a castle, Teresa describes the soul’s progressive inner journey through seven dwelling places, until finally reaching the center where, now transformed, it is united with God. Reading the works of Teresa herself is indispensable. This study edition is designed as a springboard to reading and understanding Teresa’s text.

The Way of Perfection: A Study Edition

The Way of Perfection: Study Edition

Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD

St. Teresa of Avila is an unsurpassed teacher of Christian prayer, and in The Way of Perfection she is at her best. Now with the help of this study edition and its helpful commentary and explanations by Teresian expert Fr. Kieran Kavanaugh, everyone can enjoy the benefits of her wisdom.

Saint Elizabeth of The Trinity: The Complete Works, vol. 1

Saint Elizabeth of The Trinity: The Complete Works, vol. 1

Elizabeth of the Trinity

Shipping week of March 24, 2025

Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez), who died in 1906 at the age of 26 in the Carmel of Dijon, is a mystic for our times, with a profound spirituality rooted not in visions and voices but in attention to the indwelling Trinity and in the call to become a "praise of glory" for God. This first volume of her Complete Works contains her major spiritual writings, including two sets of retreat notes ("Heaven in Faith" and "Last Retreat") and her famous prayer "O My God, Trinity Whom I Adore." A comprehensive introduction to Elizabeth's life and spirituality by the editor, Conrad De Meester, is also included, along with detailed notes and 5 pages of photos.

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, vol. 1 (includes The Book of Her Life, Spiritual Testimonies and the Soliloquies)

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, vol. 1 (includes The Book of Her Life, Spiritual Testimonies and the Soliloquies)

Teresa of Avila

This is the second edition of volume One of The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, first woman doctor of the church. The translators have taken full advantage of all that recent scholarship has contributed to a better understanding of Teresa and her writings. This volume includes her first major work, The Book of Her Life, and two of her shorter works, the Spiritual Testimonies and the Soliloquies. Clear and contemporary, this rendering captures Teresa's spirit while remaining faithful to her thought. Includes general and biblical index.

The Way of the Cross  with the Carmelite Saints

The Way of the Cross with the Carmelite Saints

Joseph Marie, CHT

This book offers one of the most fruitful and popular practices of Christian devotion: the Way of the Cross, or Stations of the Cross, from a Carmelite perspective. The reader has the opportunity to make the Way of the Cross with five inspiring Carmelite saints: John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Thérèse of Lisieux, Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) and Elizabeth of the Trinity.

The Practice of the Presence of God

The Practice of the Presence of God

Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, OCD

The only English translation of the French critical edition, this volume includes a general introduction, bibliography, and testimonies about Brother Lawrence by those who knew him. With 5 photos and illustrations.

The Collected Works of  St. Teresa of Avila, vol. 2  Includes The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, vol. 2 (includes The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle)

Teresa of Avila

This volume contains two of Teresa's most popular works: The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle.

Shortly after writing The Book of Her Life for her confessor, St. Teresa wrote The Way of Perfection at the request of her nuns who were eager to learn about prayer and contemplation. Throughout this work she teaches her nuns about prayer and also teaches us.

The Ascent of Mount Carmel:  Reflections

The Ascent of Mount Carmel: Reflections

Marc Foley, OCD

Readers of The Ascent of Mount Carmel: Reflections will thank Father Marc Foley for making John’s thought accessible and refreshingly contemporary. The author shares with contemporary spiritual seekers his seasoned wisdom, gleaned from years of reading and teaching John of the Cross. He deftly weaves together insights from psychology, theology, and literature to make The Ascent of Mount Carmel both understandable and relevant to daily life.

The Context of Holiness

The Context of Holiness

Marc Foley, OCD

This book explores both the psychological and spiritual dimensions of the life of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. The basic premise of this book is that the spiritual life is not an encapsulated sphere, cloistered from the realities of our human existence. Rather it is our response to God within the physical, psychological, social and emotional dimensions of life.

Welcome to the Secular Order  of Discalced Carmelites

Welcome to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

Aloysius Deeney, OCD

This book is a collection of Fr. Aloysius Deeney's conferences presented to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelite (OCDS) members worldwide. His practical and insightful talks are primarily directed to the members of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites and others who are interested in the tradition of Discalced Carmelites.

The  Complete Works of  Elizabeth of The Trinity, vol. 2  Letters From Carmel

The Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, vol. 2

Elizabeth of the Trinity

Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez) is a mystic of our times, who entered Carmel in 1901 at the age of twenty-one, and died there five years later. Her biblical spirituality, based on the epistles of her "dear Saint Paul" and the mystery of the divine indwelling, has inspired countless Christians.

Lectio Divina and the  Practice of Teresian Prayer

Lectio Divina and the Practice of Teresian Prayer

Sam Anthony Morello, OCD

Carmelite retreat director Sam Anthony Morello, OCD shows how the tradition of lectio divina can assist us in following the Teresian way of prayer and spirituality.

With Empty Hands
Out of stock

With Empty Hands

Conrad De Meester, OCD

Out of Stock: Reprint coming in Spring 2025.

This is an entirely new edition and translation of Conrad De Meester's brilliant and moving presentation of the life, thought, and spirituality of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. The author has completely revised and amplified his previous book in the light of the new, thoroughly annotated editions of her own works and the many recent works of research and commentary, which have led him to develop and change some of his interpretations of the saint's life and character.

The Dark Night: Psychological Experience and Spiritual Reality

The Dark Night: Psychological Experience and Spiritual Reality

Marc Foley, OCD

This book is sure to engage any reader interested not only in St. John of the Cross’s poetry and prose presentations of the journey to God but in the contemporary psychological underpinnings of the spiritual experience as well.

In this pivotal new book, Father Marc Foley guides the modern reader through the impasse and challenges on the spiritual journey which St. John portrays in the dark night, opening up the Mystical Doctor’s deep understanding of the experience and graced events of the purifying nights of sense and spirit. Offering theological and psychological insights coupled with his experience as a spiritual guide, the author provides an invaluable resource for those committed to the spiritual journey to better understand the challenges and invitations it can offer.

Carmelite Spirituality  in the Teresian Tradition

Carmelite Spirituality in the Teresian Tradition

Paul-Marie of the Cross, OCD

This revised edition offers a classic overview of the principal texts, themes, and teachings of Carmel: Elijah and Mary, the Rule of St. Albert, the Carmelite understanding of prayer, and the message of Sts. Teresa, John of the Cross, and Thérèse.

The Living Flame of Love: Study Edition

The Living Flame of Love: Study Edition

Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD

St. John of the Cross described the stanzas of his poem, The Living Flame of Love, as the “songs of the soul in the intimate communication of the union of love with God.” The verses capture the mystical vistas from the summit of the saint’s spiritual journey, describing the mystery and powerful experience of divine transformation as the soul encounters and unites with the pure love of God. Later, St. John of the Cross wrote a prose commentary to accompany his poem that represents his final word on the journey of the soul’s transformation toward union with God. In these verses and commentary, our saintly guide teaches us as the “Mystical Doctor of the Church,” but also as a gentle pastor.

The Way of Transformation: Saint Teresa of Avila on the Foundation and Fruit of Prayer

The Way of Transformation: Saint Teresa of Avila on the Foundation and Fruit of Prayer

Mark O'Keefe, OSB

Offering a fresh perspective on St. Teresa’s thought in her classic, The Way of Perfection, Father Mark O’Keefe draws our attention to the central fact that she considers the virtues—especially love of neighbor, detachment, and humility—as the essential and ever-relevant foundation for her spirituality of prayer.

The Science of the Cross  (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 6)

The Science of the Cross (CWES, vol. 6)

Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

To help celebrate the fourth centenary of the birth of St. John of the Cross in 1542, Edith Stein received the task of preparing a study of his writings. She uses her skill as a philosopher to enter into an illuminating reflection on the difference between the two symbols of cross and night. Pointing out how entering the night is synonymous with carrying the cross, she provides a condensed presentation of John's thought on the active and passive nights, as discussed in The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night.

Story of a Soul Study Edition

Story of a Soul: Study Edition

Marc Foley, OCD

This study edition is designed to assist contemporary readers to apply the spiritual insights of Story of a Soul to their lives. It provides introductions, reflections and discussion questions for each chapter of the text.

He Is My Heaven: The Life of Elizabeth of the Trinity

He Is My Heaven

Jennifer Moorcroft

The author draws on Elizabeth’s own writings and other sources to give us a short, readable portrait of this fascinating young woman who fell in love with God. Although influenced by St. Therese of Lisieux, Elizabeth’s spirituality is distinctive, highly biblical, simple to understand and to practice. Her perennial theme is the Blessed Trinity’s indwelling within the human person—a reality promised in the Gospel, discovered in the silence of prayer and adoration, and then lived out in love for God and neighbor.

Essays On Woman  (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 2)

Essays On Woman (CWES, vol. 2)

Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

Her writings on woman are the fruit of both reflection and debate with other leaders of the Catholic feminist movement in German-speaking countries between the World Wars.

The Ascent to Joy: Selected Writings of John of the Cross

The Ascent to Joy: Selected Writings of John of the Cross

Marc Foley, OCD

Father Marc Foley provides substantial introductions and notes to carefully selected excerpts from John’s own writings, presented in a systematic order. This allows the book to function as both a primer of John’s teaching and a profound introduction to the contemplative way. The introduction offers a helpful biographical summary of John’s life as well as a chronology of key events in his life to situate his texts in a clear historical context. A select bibliography is included.

The Rosary with St. Thérèse of Lisieux

The Rosary with St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Patricia Lynn Morrison (Series Editor)

A helpful prayer resource in a convenient pocket size, this booklet offers selections from Scripture and from the writings of the Little Flower for each mystery, to enrich one’s reflection while praying the rosary. Includes a history of the rosary devotion, how to pray the rosary, and the prayers used for this time-honored Marian devotion.

Catechesis and Ritual for the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Catechesis and Ritual for the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

North American Provincials of the Carmelite Orders

This handy guide book explains catechetical elements and the Liturgical elements concerning the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The Hidden Life: Essays, Meditations, Spiritual Texts  (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 4)

The Hidden Life: Essays, Meditations, Spiritual Texts (CWES, vol. 4)

Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

An inspiring collection of Edith Stein's shorter spiritual writings, composed during her final years, often at the request of her Carmelite superiors. Here the noted philosopher, Catholic feminist, and convert shares her reflections on prayer, liturgy, the lives of holy women, the spirit of Carmel, the mystery of the Christian vocation, and the meaning of the cross in our lives. These essays, poems, and dramatic pieces offer readers a unique glimpse into the hidden life of one of the twentieth century's most remarkable women.

John of the Cross: Man and Mystic
Out of stock

John of the Cross: Man and Mystic

Richard P. Hardy

This engaging contemporary biography is the perfect introduction—or an enjoyable re-acquaintance—to a man whose life, writings, and spirituality have illuminated the Christian world.

Includes a reading guide to the works of St. John of the Cross, a selection from his works, and an extensive bibliography and notes.

Edith Stein: The Life of a Philosopher and Carmelite

Edith Stein: The Life of a Philosopher and Carmelite

Teresia Renata Posselt, OCD

The first biography of Edith Stein, written by her prioress in the Cologne Carmel, was out of print for half a century. The original text, “a wreath of recollections, lovingly woven together,” is here re-edited and enhanced by scholarly perspectives, and also updated and corrected in the light of information that was not available to the author at the time. The book includes 9 photos.

In Context: Teresa of Ávila, John of the Cross, and Their World

In Context: Teresa of Ávila, John of the Cross, and Their World

Mark O'Keefe, OSB

In Context: Teresa of Ávila, John of the Cross, and Their World explores the social, cultural, intellectual, and religious themes that prevailed during the time in which St. Teresa of Ávila and St. John of the Cross lived and breathed. This book is not only a thematic overview but also visits particular situations in the lives of these saints: the events that shaped their writings, their lives, and the Carmelite Reform they initiated. Includes color photos and comprehensive index.

St. Teresa’s The Prayer of Recollection (Packet of 25 Brochures)

St. Teresa’s The Prayer of Recollection (Packet of 25 Brochures)

Teresa of Avila

In the 16th century, St. Teresa of Avila offered a wise and practical means for growing in prayer. She called it the prayer of recollection.

The Book of Her Foundations: A Study Guide

The Book of Her Foundations: Study Edition

Marc Foley, OCD

The Book of Her Foundations is the least read, the least quoted, the least known of St. Teresa's works. Why this is so is probably because people do not think it is a spiritual book. But as you read on, you find that St. Teresa grew in holiness, not in spite of obstacles such as being entangled in lawsuits, mired down in disputes over dowries, tied up in interminable bureaucratic red-tape, and having to deal with unscrupulous businessmen, but because of these difficulties. None of these challenges impeded her spiritual growth. This study guide will help us to see how Teresa grew in holiness in the marketplace as much as in the cloister, perhaps even more so. None of us has been called to found convents, but like Teresa all of us are called to practice virtue and grow in holiness within the fray of daily life.

The Divine Adventure: St. Teresa of Avila's Journeys and Foundations

The Divine Adventure: St. Teresa of Avila's Journeys and Foundations

Tomás Alvarez, OCD

With lively details, Teresa recounts her travels and the events and people connected with them in her classic book, The Foundations. The Divine Adventure, produced to celebrate St. Teresa’s 500th birthday in 2015, is a fascinating armchair pilgrimage to each of these foundations and more, in full color.

Filled with hundreds of color photographs, maps, charts and historic artwork, this unique book lets the reader walk with Teresa and see the places touched by her life and holiness. Visit some of Spain’s most breathtaking sites and also get a rare glimpse into the cloistered monasteries she founded, still extant today.

Journey to Carith: The Sources and Story of the Discalced Carmelites

Journey to Carith

Peter Thomas Rohrbach

This book chronicles a full eight centuries of the Carmelite tradition, from the order’s beginnings as a group of lay hermits on Mount Carmel through St. Teresa of Avila’s Discalced Carmelite Reform in the 16th century, to Carmel’s rich diversity today.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Her Last Conversations

St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Her Last Conversations

Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)

Those who attended St. Thérèse of Lisieux during her last illness were living in the company of one of God's "greatest" saints, one prepared for our times. Fortunately for us they did not simply listen to her conversations, but wrote down what they remembered. This volume brings together their reports of Thérèse's "final words" during her last months, including some of her most famous sayings, such as "I will spend my heaven doing good on earth." The book includes general and biblical index, with 12 photos.

Life in a Jewish Family: An Autobiography, 1891-1916  (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 1)

Life in a Jewish Family: An Autobiography, 1891-1916 (CWES, vol. 1)

Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

This initial volume of the Collected Works of Edith Stein offers, for the first time in English, the unabridged biography of Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), depicting her life as a child and young adult. Her text ends abruptly because the Nazi SS arrested, then deported, her to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1942.

Temptation and Discernment

Temptation and Discernment

Segundo Galilea

Brief reflections by noted Chilean priest and author, showing how to avoid activism, messianism, and other common pitfalls in ministry and prayer, based on the discernment principles of Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, and Teresa of Avila.

Love Awakened by Love: The Liberating Ascent of  Saint John of the Cross

Love Awakened by Love: The Liberating Ascent of Saint John of the Cross

Mark O'Keefe, OSB

A skilled moral theologian, Benedictine Father Mark O’Keefe leads God-seekers to focus attention on St. John of the Cross’s teaching in The Ascent of Mount Carmel: The essence of the spiritual journey is union with God through the practice of the virtues, especially faith, hope, and love. It‘s virtuous living that enables us to truly love God and be conformed to God in divine union.

Saint Teresa of Avila: 100 Themes on Her Life and Work

Saint Teresa of Avila: 100 Themes on Her Life and Work

Tomás Alvarez, OCD

St. Teresa's person, world, work, and writings explored in a comprehensive presentation in 100 topics or themes, done by Tomás Alvarez, a Teresian scholar. Avila and Its Surroundings, The Social Classes of Her Time, Environment and Cultural Levels, Contemporary Women, Clergy, Religion, Her Family, Home, Father, Mother and Siblings is a sampling of some of the one hundred themes presented in this book.

To Quell the Terror: The True Story of the  Carmelite Martyrs of Compiègne

To Quell the Terror

William Bush

Recounts the dramatic true story of the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Compiègne, martyred during the French Revolution's "Great Terror," and known to the world through their fictional representation in Gertrud von Le Fort's Song at the Scaffold and Francis Poulenc's Dialogues of the Carmelites. Includes index and 15 photos.

On The Problem of Empathy  (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 3)

On The Problem of Empathy (CWES, vol. 3)

Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

Edith Stein's doctoral dissertation under Husserl, with index.

Early in Edith Stein's philosophical output stands her doctoral dissertation defended in 1916 at Freiburg-im-Breisgau. On the Problem of Empathy is the fruit of several years' work with the founder of phenomenology and the director of the dissertation itself, Edmund Husserl.

Always Believe in Love:  Selected Writings of Elizabeth of the Trinity

Always Believe in Love

Marian Murphy

This small but valuable book, now with ICS Publications, offers an insightful selection of the most significant extracts from Elizabeth’s writingsher diary, letters, and poetry—together with useful introductions and commentary.

God Is Love: Saint Teresa Margaret - Her Life

God Is Love

Margaret Rowe

This 18th-century Italian Carmelite has often been called “the Little Flower of Florence.” Like her French counterpart a century later, Teresa Margaret Redi entered the convent as a teenager (17) and died young (22). But her short life, like that of St. Thérèse, was filled with small acts of kindness for her sisters and all those with whom she came in contact, and with a burning love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

From the Sacred Heart to the Trinity

From the Sacred Heart to the Trinity

Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen, OCD

St. Teresa Margaret Redi was a Carmelite captivated by the love of God. Helping us to appreciate the holy life she led are eyewitness accounts of her spiritual directors collected soon after her death. The author of this small study builds his story on those accounts by the Discalced Carmelite friars who knew her as a young religious.

The Letters of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, vol. 1

The Letters of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, vol. 1

Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)

Letters to and from St. Thérèse of Lisieux from April 1877 (Childhood) to September 1890 (Novitiate period as a Carmelite Nun). Translated from the critical edition by John Clarke, OCD.

The Gospel Mysticism of Ruth Burrows: Going to God with Empty Hands

The Gospel Mysticism of Ruth Burrows: Going to God with Empty Hands

Michelle Jones

British author and Carmelite nun Ruth Burrows has been one of the most popular, prolific and revered spiritual writers of the past half-century. This pivotal book systematically explores Burrows’s thought and writings. In addition to first-person live interviews with Burrows, the author mines a rich collection of unpublished writings and personal correspondence. Acclaimed by reviewers as “the most comprehensive, readable introduction to Ruth Burrows presently available,” this book is also an important contribution to the field of spirituality and mysticism and will become the textbook for Burrows studies and her spirituality. Includes an appendix, index, bibliography and full listing of writings by Ruth Burrows.

The Prayers of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

The Prayers of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)

Complete collection of Thérèse's independent prayers, translated from the critical edition, with 9 pages of photos.

My Only Friend Is Darkness

My Only Friend Is Darkness

Barbara Dent

Drawing upon Scripture, classic spiritual authors—especially St. John of the Cross—and her own personal experience, acclaimed author Barbara Dent examines the deep purifications we undergo as God cleanses us of sinful inclinations and ultimately transforms us in love. Using original poetry and powerful first-person prose, Dent guides us through the sufferings, temptations, upheavals and workings of grace at the deepest level of our being as we journey through the darkness of faith to new life in God.
